
Keep up with our monthly updates!

Ethan will send out hall updates via email at the start of each month that our students are in residence to share what we have been up to on hall and what's coming in the near future! Check your inbox to stay on top of all things 4th West, and visit this page for monthly updates as well as some highlights in pictures!

May 2022

Residents attending Prom on Saturday, April 02, posed for a few group pictures! We had a pretty solid showing with 20 out of 36 pictured (and me!).


Seniors are invited to enjoy a two day end-of-year celebration on May 26 and 27 that will feature a variety of events - an outdoor field day, inflatable water slides, and Senior Dessert to name a few! Time Under the Tents will also be hosted again this year with your favorite NCSSM employees, as well as one last Hill Street block party, food trucks, sweet treats, and more.


Please join us as we graduate our 41st class of residential students on Saturday, May 28, at 10:00am on Watts Lawn! The ceremony is open only to NCSSM seniors and their families. NCSSM juniors will not be participating in Commencement. At this time, we are not anticipating restrictions regarding the number of family members per senior who can attend.

No tickets are required UNLESS inclement weather necessitates moving indoors. If Commencement is moved indoors, each senior will receive 4 tickets: 2 tickets for the NCSSM Eilber Physical Education Center (PEC) and 2 tickets to livestream locations around campus: the Auditorium, Lecture Hall, and Music Suite.

Guests may arrive on campus starting at 8:00am. There is no assigned seating. We ask that everyone be in their seats by no later than 9:45am. The entire event will be livestreamed on the NCSSM YouTube Channel. For more information about Commencement, please visit: https://www.ncssm.edu/commencement.

Residents played Mario Kart Double Dash in our first Open Apartment back since COVID on Sunday, April 03! It was such a joy to invite students back into my space again.

April 2022

Residents explored the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test in a Tuesday Talk that I led on Tuesday, March 22. We seem to have a large concentration of Advocates and other Diplomats on hall, at least in the group that came out to the event!


Residence halls will close on Friday, April 8 at 5:00pm and will reopen on Monday, April 18 at 12:00pm. Since this is a long break, students must unplug all items in their room, including fridges and fish tanks. Students should properly defrost their fridge to avoid puddles or mold growth over the break. This is also the last break of the year, so students are encouraged to move out as many items as possible to make move out in May much easier. 


The Senior Leadership Campus Service process is coming to a close! Senior Leadership announcements will be sent out on Monday, April 18 at 10:00am and applicants will have until Thursday, April 21 to submit their decisions to program coordinators. Please note that the SLCS process does not account for every possible senior campus service assignment. Juniors should reach out to any employees that they may be interested in working with next year if they chose not to participate in the SLCS process or are still looking for options.

Junior Sujan Patel takes a shot at kickball in a game with residents from 4th West and 1st Hunt on Saturday, March 26!

March 2022

4th West and friends filled the Lecture Hall for a screening of the 2007 film "Alvin and the Chipmunks" on Saturday, February 19!  I wasn't sure if I was being set up to watch the movie alone when our students first suggested it, but they came through in numbers and invited lots of friends from off-hall. 

NCSSM Prom 2022

The Prom Committee is excited to extend an invitation to all residential students to attend NCSSM's annual formal event! This year, NCSSM's Prom will occur on Saturday, April 2, at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham. Click HERE for details about the event, how to purchase tickets, transportation options, family volunteer opportunities, and more!

Each year, the Prom Committee invites NCSSM families to participate in the festivities by volunteering the night of Prom at the Museum of Life and Science. There are many opportunities to be involved, from helping out with set up, to organizing the coat check, serving appetizers, desserts, and drinks, directing students throughout the museum, and of course the dash to clean everything up and pack it away in record time at the end of the night. For more information about volunteering at Prom, check out this link. This year, the Prom Coordinators would also like to provide families who are unable to volunteer with an opportunity to purchase desserts for students to enjoy. More information about how to contribute will be available soon!

In keeping with tradition, Student Life will also host an After Prom event for students to enjoy late night pizza in the PEC after prom ends. Additional details about the event and how to participate will be shared with students after the Extended Weekend.

As you and your student make plans for Prom 2022, please do not hesitate to reach out to NCSSM's Prom Coordinators at prom@ncssm.edu with any questions.

Preparing for Prom

The March Extended Weekend (Friday, March 18 through Monday, March 21) would be a great time for students to look into formalwear offerings in their home communities if that would be a convenient avenue to pursue for attire. Ethan will send out an interest survey to 4th West residents in early March to gauge how much interest there might be in planning a hall outing to locations in the Durham area as an alternative for folks who may prefer that option or who may not have conveniently placed businesses in their hometowns. We're fortunate to have some great local resources that the Prom Committee has compiled on the Apparel Tab of the Prom Site, and can definitely plan a trip if there's enough interest!

Junior Nathan Feldman serenades 4th West and 2nd Bryan with "Fly Me to the Moon" in a Karaoke Night on Monday, February 7! 

February 2022

Senior Sam McNamara tests his luck in the third round of the 4th West Olympics on Tuesday, January 11! In Jenga Game Night, students scored more points the closer they were to getting the tower to collapse, but no points at all if it fell on their turn.

J-Term Highlights

J-Term got off to a great start on 4th West with a week of events planned by Junior Garrett Wight and RLA Jake Rose! Their 4th West Olympics consisted of eight rounds in which residents could gain points counting toward a grand total. Events included:

Congratulations to Junior Lucas Hahnenberg for coming out on top at the end of the Olympics!

Senior Leadership

The Senior Leadership Campus Service (SLCS) selection process is underway! Almost twenty different assignments participate in this process so that juniors can apply for several positions with a streamlined application. An overview of the process and the various positions can be found on the SLCS Website. Please note that the SLCS process does not account for every senior campus service assignment. There are many opportunities for leadership in campus service to consider. Juniors should reach out to any employees that they may be interested in working with next year.

4th West Juniors explore the strategy game Spot on the Nintendo Entertainment System! A favorite of current seniors from the Class of 2022, Spot will definitely be making a return for those who missed it while traveling for J-Term.

January 2022

The PEC was decked out for our SAB Winter Semiformal on Saturday, December 4! Light-up arches greeted students as they entered the main gymnasium, but there were tons of more decorations throughout the building.


January Term (J-Term) is a special session in which NCSSM provides opportunities for students to engage in unique educational experiences. These experiences include both regular coursework (offered in a different format) and unique learning opportunities beyond the standard curriculum, both in and out of the traditional classroom context. J-Term aims to engage students in a rigorous exploration of a subject area of great interest in a way that contributes to their academic and personal growth and serves them well in their future academic aspirations.

MLK JR. Day of Service

On Monday, January 17, NCSSM will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy by having a day dedicated to community service, education, and unity. The day is considered part of the academic calendar and the expectation is that students participate fully in the day’s activities and events. 

The keynote speaker, William Barber III, is a class of 2009 alum and currently works as the Strategic Partnerships Manager at The Climate Reality Project, a non-profit based in Washington, D.C. whose mission is to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis. He also serves as a member of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board, as well as co-chair for the North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign Ecological Devastation committee. In addition, he founded The Rural Beacon Initiative, LLC - a multi-member startup that provides consultation for groups looking to advance equity, climate justice, and environmental justice. Rural Beacon has evolved, exploring the role of green finance as a vehicle to address social disparities.

The PEC was decked out for our SAB Winter Semiformal on Saturday, December 4! The main hall was lined with string lights - a great, quiet escape from the main festivities in the gym itself.

December 2021

Residents from 4th West and 2nd West sang sea shanties in a karaoke night on Wednesday, October 27. I wasn't able to get my hands on any pictures until after the first of November, but am sharing now that one has been sent my way!

Winter Break

Just like that, we have reached the halfway point for the year! With Winter Break beginning Friday, December 10, I wanted to provide a breakdown of how students should prepare for these longer breaks. Residence Halls close on December 10 at 5:00pm. Halls will reopen on Tuesday, January 4, at  12:00pm noon. Because this is a long break we require that students unplug all items in their room, including fridges and fish tanks. During room inspections this week I will check that students have properly defrosted their fridges, so that we can avoid any puddles or mold growth over the break. Signing out for this break is handled similarly to an Extended Weekend:


During January, students will take a break from their regular coursework to engage in employee-led educational opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. Examples of these J-Term experiences include computational medicinal chemistry, Introduction to Aviation, and extended domestic travel. J-Term begins on Wednesday, January 5 and ends on Thursday, January 27. You can view your student’s assigned J-Term class or classes on Blackbaud.

January Term (J-Term) is an essential part of the NCSSM Academic Program. Since class meeting patterns are different during J-Term, attendance is calculated differently. One unexcused hour of missed class will be recorded as one unexcused absence. J-Term is considered its own term for attendance purposes. The number of accumulated absences reverts to zero at the beginning of spring semester.

This will also be a great time for us to plan engaging hall programs that we wouldn't normally be able to do while students are completing their coursework each semester! I will be in touch at the start of January with an overview of programs for the month, and certainly welcome input or ideas from our students if there's something they'd like to see planned or an activity they'd like to lead themselves.

Residents from 4th West, 4th East, and 4th Bryan roast s'mores at the Hunt Grills during a 4th Floors S'mores night on Sunday, November 07. We had to reschedule two separate times due to fire code concerns and the rain, but were finally able to enjoy an evening together!

November 2021

Juniors Garrett Wight and Damien Wozniak get creative in a game of Jenga in lieu of a rained out s'mores night on Thursday, October 28. Thanks to everyone who sent games and supplies to campus from our Amazon Wish List last month!

SAB Winter Semi-Formal

Semi-Formal - NCSSM’s annual winter dance - will take place on Saturday, December 4 from 9:00pm to 11:55pm in the PEC Gymnasium! All students are invited to enjoy the evening with friends and hallmates. Look forward to festive winter decorations, music, snacks, a photo booth, and dancing!

Students planning to attend are encouraged to bring semi-formal dress clothes back to campus after Thanksgiving if they don't have any on campus already. In past years we have extended an invitation to parents and families to be involved with Semi - if you are interested in helping out this year, families are encouraged to contribute financially to the Student Activities Board in support of the event! More information about how to provide support can be found on the Student Activities Website.

Hall Closings + Openings

There are several extended breaks scheduled over the next couple of months! In each instance, halls will close at 5:00pm on the closure date and reopen at 12:00pm noon on the opening date:

For the Thanksgiving and Winter breaks we ask that students unplug all items in the room, including fridges and fish tanks. Students should defrost their fridges completely and clean out excess water before leaving for the break. They should also make sure to take any houseplants or fish home with them when leaving campus during these times.

RLA Baeden Vester shares his interest in speedcubing during one of our routine Tuesday Talks following Hall Meeting on October 26. Tuesday Talks have been a great way for our residents to learn about each other's interests and passions!

October 2021

Residents from 4th West and Reynolds 1E2E2D rush to gather dodgeballs for their teams during an interhall Open Gym on Thursday, September 16. We made it out with no injuries, but did lose one dodgeball to the basketball hoop in the background! Thanks to Athletic Director Greg Jarvis for getting it back down.

Student Activities Board

As students continue to adjust to academics at NCSSM, it is also important for them to preserve time to have fun, relax, and enjoy all parts of the Science and Math experience. To that end, I wanted to share some information about NCSSM's Student Activities Board (or SAB for short) and all the opportunities that it provides for students here!

The SAB is made up of student and employee volunteers from across campus. Under the supervision of Student Activities Coordinator Taylor Parsons, SAB meets every other Thursday throughout the year to plan activities and events for the student body. Meetings are open to all students!

Some SAB events include:

You can find more information about the SAB and see upcoming events on their Student Activities Website, or by reaching out to Taylor at taylor.parsons@ncssm.edu.

CC One-on-Ones

4th West residents will begin scheduling one-on-one meetings with me in October to give me a chance to get to know them better! One-on-ones are a great way for me to learn about and respond to any issues they may be having on hall or on campus, get input and suggestions about things they would like to see on hall, and just generally check in on how they are enjoying their time at NCSSM. One-on-ones typically last between 20 and 30 minutes and will be conducted on a semesterly basis. Our residents had a chance to meet with one of their RLAs in the same manner during September, but I look forward to meeting with everyone personally this month!

Residents from 4th West and 4th East on the top floor of Hunt joined forces to form the "Fear the Fourth" intramural soccer team! IMs are a great way for students to exercise and meet new people at NCSSM.

Instructions on how to access progress reports in Blackbaud, shared by Registrar Jennifer Betz via email on Friday, September 24.

Progress Reports

As October draws to a close, faculty will be completing grading assignments so that we can release progress reports on November 5. To view progress reports, log into Blackbaud and select the “Progress” tab. Select “Report cards” to open all of the progress reports for this year. From there, select either “Semester 1 - Durham” or “Semester 1 - Durham (No Comments),” depending on whether you want to view grades and teacher feedback, or just grades.

If you have concerns about your student’s performance, please reach out and let me know! Although support team members always meet with students who have multiple Cs or a D to help develop a plan for improvement, I am happy to meet with any of my residents on 4th West for any concerns.

It is also important for your student to be in communication with their individual teachers, their counselor, and the Center for Advising and Academic Success for advice and support. This is a good time of the semester for students to consider attending tutorials, which are a great way to spend more time with faculty engaging with the content of their courses!

Hall Agreement

After our residents had a while to grow accustomed to living with roommates and hallmates during the month of August, we worked together as a hall to draft an agreement on how we will show respect to one another, handle minor disagreements, support each other, and take care of our space.

The following points were prioritized by breaking off into small groups during a Hall Meeting with each group choosing which two points they felt were the most important to building a respectful and supportive hall community. It was important to our residents that we:

It is important to note that this is a living document, and we will revisit it from time to time during future hall meetings or if any issues arise. Thanks to our residents for helping draft our hall agreement!

The phrase "Semper Cor" was the motto of my undergraduate dorm - Cabot House - where I lived during my final three years at Harvard College. It translates to "Always Heart" and was a guiding sentiment for me and my housemates to lead with love in everything we do.

September 2021

4th West RLAs present their sibling hall banner to Reynolds 1C2C1D to wrap up interhall icebreakers at the end of our orientation weekend!

A Full Capacity Opening!

NCSSM residential students made it to the end of their first three weeks on campus for the 2021-2022 academic year!

Although this weekend would have marked the halfway point of a six week cohort last year, this time around it only signifies the start of our first Extended Weekend for Labor Day.

I hope that our residents enjoy some rest and relaxation this weekend, and that you as the families enjoy having them back!

Preparing for Family Day

As mentioned in the email sent on behalf of Chancellor Roberts last week, we are erring on the side of caution by conducting a virtual Family Day on Saturday, September 18, rather than hosting one on campus. In our virtual Family Day, you will have a chance to navigate your student’s class schedule, meet each of their instructors, and experience a sample of what they are learning in each course. We will offer this experience via Zoom on the scheduled date of September 18 between 8:30am and 3:30pm!

No later than September 16, you will receive a personalized class schedule for your student with Zoom links for each class period. At that time, the school will also send schedule information for the session about college visits and financial aid. NCSSM will also be working with the NCSSM Parent Association to schedule other opportunities through the course of the fall semester for small groups of parents who wish to visit and experience life on campus while school is in session.

Questions about Family Day? Use this Google Form with your NCSSM email account to share them in advance for our FAQ!

IMPORTANT: If you haven’t signed into Blackbaud or your NCSSM email account recently, please do so soon! If you have any login issues, submit an ITS help ticket right away. If you are inexperienced with Zoom, we recommend that you download the app for your device and practice attending a Zoom meeting with your student or a friend.

RLAs from 4th West and Reynolds 1C2C1D exchange banners as part of a longstanding tradition at NCSSM! 1C2C1D's banner was designed to fir their Disco Theme by 4th West RLAs Jake Rose, Mason Evans, and Baeden Vester, while 4th West's was created to fit our original idea before it was rebranded as "Parts of a Whole" during RLA Training Week.

Residents on hall wasted no time in transforming the whiteboard in our lounge into a focal point full of 4th West memes! It's wonderful to see our hall come to life after a summer without students on our floor of Hunt.

Clinic Reminder

Our Student Health Services Clinic is available between 8:00am and 4:00pm from Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, students seek assistance from an open CC desk.  CCs can contact an on call medical service for professional advice!

The clinic is not open to non-emergency walk-ins.  Students should schedule a telehealth, physical exam, or medicine pick up appointment using the Clinic Appointment Form, which can also be found in the resources page of Blackbaud. If a student needs to be seen in person following a telehealth appointment, Clinic staff will schedule that visit.

Increased Workload

Now that we have made it to our first Extended Weekend, students should be getting the hang of classes and life at NCSSM! Around this time, students also tend to notice their workload increasing. It is important that they develop strong time management skills and learn to seek out help as they begin to face challenges. Students can reach out to Ethan for support and advice, as well as any of the following resources:

Center for Advising and Academic Success (CAAS): CAAS serves all residential and online students during their time at NCSSM. The purpose and function of the Center is to provide individual, ongoing, and real-time academic support and guidance for all students. Some of the CAAS services include:

Tutorials: Most classes and departments offer formal tutorial sessions for students, which are led by either faculty or student Teaching Assistants (typically referred to as TAs). You can find tutorial sessions or other resources on each department’s website:

Residential Education Classes: All juniors take RE102, and during their fourth week of class will be learning about academic success strategies. The skills they develop and the resources provided by their instructor will be helpful to revisit throughout the year to support them during their time at NCSSM!

4th West Senior Parker Stiles did a student takeover of the NCSSM Admissions account for part of his senior leadership position as a Student Ambassador! I'm not sure who submitted this question to the story, but I appreciate his and Andrew's answer.